The Paper Party Bag Shop and One Tribe are working together to protect rainforest with every purchase you make. Now when you purchase from The Paper Party Bag Shop you automatically save trees in the rainforest and help improve the carbon footprint of your purchase. Click on this lovely mustard bit for more information!

Limited edition Fuschia Summer Party Bags
Limited edition Fuschia Summer Party Bags
Limited edition Fuschia Summer Party Bags
Limited edition Fuschia Summer Party Bags

Limited edition Fuschia Summer Party Bags

Regular price £1.30 Sale

Not just for kids, these would make a great favour bag for all ages or occasions.

All plastic free with a plastic free supply chain, these bags are exclusive for a limited time only while we dress old stock up with surplus paper stock so these bags can be ready to party once more.

Sold in singles so you don't need to buy more than you have to.

14 x 23cm


recyclableLess waste