The Paper Party Bag Shop and One Tribe work together to protect rainforest with every purchase you make. When you purchase from The Paper Party Bag Shop you automatically save trees in the rainforest and help improve the carbon footprint of your purchase. Click on this lovely mustard bit for more information!

After ParTEA bags - single
After ParTEA bags - single
After ParTEA bags - single
After ParTEA bags - single
After ParTEA bags - single
After ParTEA bags - single
After ParTEA bags - single

After ParTEA bags - single

Regular price £1.40 Sale

Partying can leave one feeling oh so fragile - these are just the kind treat that could help restore some of that energy that party goers are sometimes so full of! The most perfect gift for grown-ups after a party. Put your feet up and enjoy the calm.

Paper sleeve is recyclable and tea bag with thread is compostable.