The Paper Party Bag Shop and One Tribe work together to protect rainforest with every purchase you make. When you purchase from The Paper Party Bag Shop you automatically save trees in the rainforest and help improve the carbon footprint of your purchase. Click on this lovely mustard bit for more information!

[plastic free party bags] - [the paper party bag shop]


Regular price £10.00 Sale

This old school clipboard is perfect for kids doing their homework and activities at home or in the garden, as well as helpful to parents keeping their lists and school letters in one place.
Made with a recycled hardwood fibre board and a durable metal clip - this clipboard will last a lifetime if looked after but can all be recycled when needed.
  • No plastic used in the packaging
  • 330mm x 230mm
  • We strongly recommend adult supervision for children under 5 due to the sturdy metal clip
