The Paper Party Bag Shop and One Tribe work together to protect rainforest with every purchase you make. When you purchase from The Paper Party Bag Shop you automatically save trees in the rainforest and help improve the carbon footprint of your purchase. Click on this lovely mustard bit for more information!

[plastic free party bags] - [the paper party bag shop]

Pack of 6 sunshine gift tags on recycled paper

Regular price £0.80 Sale


Team them with a party bag or keep at home to label a birthday gift. 

Material: 100% recycled card (origin EU from 100% post consumer waste) and paper raffia ribbon. All recyclable.

10 x 5cm 

Clear packaging is made of corn/potato starch and fully biodegradable and compostable.

Sold as singles (no packaging - wrapped in paper for protection) or packs of 5.

Made in the UK

TraceableRecyclableLocally ProducedLess WasteHandmadeCompostable